Solutions | Use Cases | Blockchain
Blockchain Challenges
The challenge with investigating blockchains to search for crypto crimes is its difficulty to trace transactions. Specific analytic tools such as TruContext™ are required to perform investigations on blockchains, and these tools are not available to everyone. Additionally, criminals are using other methods to enhance anonymity which makes it even more challenging for investigators to trace transactions involving illegal funds.
Illegal activity typically involves transferring funds to/from multiple wallets to hide transactions. With the TruContext™ graphic view you can quickly and easily see where these transactions merge in to a larger wallet amounts, and determine the nature of these transactions.

How TruContext™ can Help with blockchain analysis
Our tool provides one intelligent picture to analyze your blockchain’s transactions. Whether you are an end user or a law-enforcement investigator, TruContext allows you to graph all transactions on a crypto ledger of your choice. By bringing all ledger transactions in to a graphic view you can quickly and easily investigate transactions and identify possible fraud and criminal use of the digital platform.